
Exciting news

I won my first giveaway!
The host of the giveaway was the beautiful kikiidabest, who you can visit at: www.youtube.com/kikiidabest
I won my very own Sigma kabuki brush! It's in their new line of mini brushes with the names of old Hollywood stars that have left us. Mine says "Miss Taylor" (aka Elizabeth Taylor) and is a metal retractable that is purple!

Hollywood Glamour Flat Top Retractable Kabuki

I am so grateful! It is sooo so soft, I could sit there and feel it forever! lol. Thanks so much again, I'm amazed!

& in other news, I just found out that I got the job that I interviewed for last week! It's an apprentice job for a small company that does prints for art and custom framing. I am so excited - I start today in a little bit. I feel like things are really going my way, finally, and I'm so excited for the future.

I also started going on Beautylish.com, a cool website to find new people on YouTube who do beauty videos.
Visit my profile here and friend me! :) : www.beautylish.com/healthywithwhitney

Thanks to everyone who has kept up to date on my youtube channel as well. I know there's not many out there, but I'm grateful for every view I get. :)
♥ Whitney

1 comment:

  1. Congrats. I won my first giveaway 2 days ago. It's a great feeling ;) xxx
